The Many Gifts of Cancer

Cancer affords me the opportunity to see the world with my eyes wide open, reveling in the smallest details that I so often took for granted.

Cancer lets me speak my truth without fear of judgement. Knowing my time here is growing uncertain, I no longer want to waste an interaction without telling those around me how I truly feel.

Cancer grants me the courage to admit my past mistakes, failures and work to make amends with those I’ve wronged.

Cancer makes me focus on the present moment rather getting lost in the past or scared about the future. All I have is NOW. Cancer helps me make the most of the present moment.

Cancer gives me the opportunity to be vulnerable to those around me. By no longer being afraid of showing weakness, cancer gives me the courage to ask for and to accept help.

Cancer helps me recognize the good in people by their many gestures of goodwill and support for my family.

Cancer strips me of my vanity and ego. Cancer is helping me learn to be comfortable in my own skin, despite its ever-changing appearance.

Cancer gives me hope that my pain and suffering may become a source of inspiration and healing for others.

Cancer is a reminder that we can’t control what happens to us or those around us. All we can control is our reaction. So, choose love. Always try to do the right thing, the kind thing.

Cancer is a daily reminder of the fragility and sanctity of life. Never forget that every day, people are fightingto live, to heal, to survive. While we all struggle, cancer is a reminder that we are never alone in our struggle.