If you can laugh in the face of adversity, you’re bullet-proof. - Ricky Gervais
I’m a little under a month away from my next scan.
It’s a big scan because if it is clear, I will be celebrating being 2 years cancer-free on May 1st, 2020.
As soon as February began to fly by, I started to notice a shift.
The nagging “scanxiety” is back.
I feel a sudden tightness in my throat as my appointment creeps closer on the calendar.
Countless tests and endless waiting are some of the most difficult and mentally exhausting parts of cancer treatment and remission.
I try to look at my scan as another hurdle I must pass on my journey to long-term remission.
I can’t change the fact it’s coming and I can’t avoid it.
But I’ve learned that it’s best not to focus on my scan until it’s right before me.
Working myself up over the what-ifs and possibilities of relapse won’t help.
I do best mentally when I stay productive and distracted with work, housework and my kid’s activities so that I don’t start to dwell on all the possible outcomes of my next visit.
Trying to find a little humor in the situation always helps too.
One thing I like to do is keep a collection of memes on my phone so that when I’m feeling a little down or anxious, I can quickly scroll through them for a little pick-me-up.
Laughter really is the best medicine!
So, I thought I’d share some funny memes about cancer and chronic illness to hopefully brighten your day as much as they did mine.