When You’re in Remission


This afternoon I received the BEST possible news. After weeks of uncertainty regarding my latest scan, I learned I am still in REMISSION!!!!

See when you have cancer, you never really stop having it. Even if your fortunate enough to reach remission, the thought of cancer is always in the back of your mind.

Every ache and pain is magnified as it’s viewed through this lens. Is the cancer back?

Every few months you’re subjected to a battery of tests to find out.  Every few months you wait for the news. You wait and you wait. And just when you think you’re done waiting, you find out you will need to wait a little more.

You find yourself praying more than you ever have in your entire life. You get good at holding your breath. You learn that life does not exist in black and white, but in varying shades of gray. You try not to read between the lines because, in many ways, hope cannot be seen.

I pray you’ll realize that while faith and hope don’t always make sense—they often are paving the way for miracles. Because while you were waiting, God was working.

So please do not lose hope. Believe there are beautiful things waiting for you on the other side of this storm. And remember, sunshine comes to all who feel the rain.