Thankful for the Helpers



Exactly a year ago today, on November 22, 2017,  I had my excision biopsy surgery to determine if the swollen lymph node I had recently found was cancer.  

The next day, as we hosted our family for Thanksgiving, I silently wondered how many more of holidays I would get to celebrate.  

As I am blessed to gather around a table to celebrate Thankgiving with all of my family, I recognize that today wouldn't be possible without the doctors, nurses and first responders who have helped me and my family through all of our health struggles.

Today, I want to pause and recognize all the helpers who may be working today or struggling with heavy emotions from the recent losses of their brothers and sisters, especially here in Chicago.

Thank you for answering the call to help and serve. We are so grateful for all that you do.


 I’m grateful for the helpers.

I’m grateful for the helpers who look out for me and for those I’m blessed to call my own.

I’m grateful for the helpers who give so much without expecting anything in return.

I’m grateful for the helpers who work long days, nights and weekends, often spending holidays without their family.

I’m grateful for the helpers that go without and sacrifice so much so that I may have a chance at a better life.

I’m grateful for those that answered the call to serve our communities, and keep showing up day in and day out.

I’m grateful for the helpers that run towards danger and those who risk it all so that no one is left behind.

I’m grateful for the helpers because they are the reason my family is still here. Not only have they saved MY life, they’ve also saved my husband’s and my daughter’s lives too.

To all the helpers: the first responders, police officers, firefighters, doctors, nurses, soldiers and all who bravely and selflessly serve our communities, today and always, THANK YOU!



#lookforthehelpers #thinblueline #savinglives #firstresponders #savinglivestogether #nursesrock