“A mother is she who can take the place of all others but whose place no one else can take.”
As I became a mom, my heart has grown and expanded just as much as my waistline.
Each day, I watch in disbelief as I’m blessed to hold in my arm the bundles of possibilities I once grew in my belly.
From the moment I felt those first flickers of life, deep inside me something shifted.
Suddenly life was no longer just about me.
As a mom of three, my appearance has changed just as much as my priorities.
The scars that now dot my body remind me of my sacred responsibility.
As women and mothers, we are vessels.
Our bodies carry and birth future generations.
Not only do we mold their bodies in our wombs,
We shape our children’s minds and hearts through our words and actions.
Today is a time to pause and celebrate all mothers.
The mothers by birth and those by choice.
No matter what name you go by, motherhood is a choice we make everyday.
Mothers choose to put someone else’s needs and happiness ahead of their own.
As mothers we regularly sacrifice our own well-being and sometimes even our bodies for the sake of another.
We are all being called to nurture and mother each other through these uncertain times.
Whether we carry our babies in our bodies or now in our hearts, we are mothers.
Mothers are the selfless women who inspire us daily to be better versions of ourselves.
To all the moms, step moms, soon-to-be-moms, and those without moms:
Who are doing the work of two all on their own.
Who have hard days but continue to love even harder.
Who are overwhelmed and exhausted but continue to push forward day after day.
Who teach the hard lessons and love unconditionally,
Thank you for being the teachers, the trailblazers, the hope bringers and the love givers the world so desperately needs.