
Faith, Synchronicity and Healing

“In every moment, the Universe is whispering to you. You're constantly surrounded by signs, coincidences, and synchronicities , all aimed at propelling you in the direction of your destiny.” - Denise Linn

“In every moment, the Universe is whispering to you. You're constantly surrounded by signs, coincidences, and synchronicities , all aimed at propelling you in the direction of your destiny.” - Denise Linn

“Everything happens for a reason,”

the woman said with a bright smile as she sat down next to me.

 I was just leaving my cardiologist and decided to stop and take a picture of the beautiful Chicago skyline outside.

As I was sitting next to her editing my picture she said,

“In my 62 years on this Earth, one thing I know…

 Everything happens for a reason.”

 I nodded my head, smiled and said,

 “I believe everything happens for a reason too. “

If my journey with cancer has taught me anything is that there are no coincidences.

God works in mysterious ways.

 Yet God always provides Good, Orderly, Direction.

 Whether we realize it or not—we are never alone.

At times when we struggle to feel God’s presence in our life, faith steps us to gives eyes to see this good, orderly, direction.

Divine miracles are happening all around us every day, but it is up to us to notice the signs.

God is always whispering to us, encouraging us and helping to provide for us through the actions of others.

Yesterday I received the news I had been hoping and praying for months to receive.

I’ve been on edge because I have a big scan coming up that could solidify my odds of long-term remission.
But, over the past months, I’ve been having chest pains, low heart rate and dizziness that my doctors have been at a loss to explain.

 With my upcoming scan and history of cancer, it is easy to fear the worst.

After I was done praying and meditating yesterday in preparation for my visit, I decided to pull a card out of my Souls Journey deck to help set my intention for the day.

As I began to shuffle the cards, to my surprise the Peace card flew out.

peace card.jpeg

I knew this was a powerful confirmation that I was to focus on PEACE and let go of my fear and any negative thoughts about my health and upcoming scan.

On my way home from my appointment, while I was silently rejoicing over the great news I had just received from my doctor about my heart, I happened to glance up and see the car in front of me had simply the word PEACE on their license plate. 


 This powerful synchronicity confirmed that good things are coming.

The seeds of hope are watered by our faith.  

We must trust and believe that all will work out in our best interest.

God will provide.  


The Synchronicity of Stepping Out Of Your Comfort Zone

“Strength does not come from physical capacity. It comes from an indomitable will.” ~Mahatma Gandhi

“Strength does not come from physical capacity. It comes from an indomitable will.” ~Mahatma Gandhi

Me and my new lil’ ponytail rocked our first yoga sculpt class today.

It might seem silly to you to celebrate such a thing but for me taking a group fitness class is a HUGE step outside of my comfort zone.

 I’ve been doing light yoga, stretching and walking to help strengthen my body after treatment but this was the first time I have combined cardio, weights and yoga.

 I’ve been wanting to try this yoga studio for over a year, but my anxiety always got the best of me.

What if I can’t keep up?

I don’t really know all the positions that well. I’ll probably feel lost.

 I told myself it was better to practice my yoga at home until I built up more confidence. But yesterday, a friend asked me and few others to join us for this class because the studio offers a one-week free trial. I figured this was sign I NEEDED to go to this class.

 Right before class started, as I waited for my friend, my anxiety crept back in.

What if I get dizzy and have to stop?

What if I can’t do the weights?

Will my heart be able to handle this type of workout?

I hope no one notices me struggling.

 As class began, our instructor began talking about the Super Bowl and how our mindset can be what helps us or stops us from achieving our goals.

I decided that for this one hour I was going to simply try to challenge myself. I wanted to push my body to it’s limit to remind myself of my strength. I was going to avoid judging myself if I had to stop or take it easy.

 I ended up surprising myself with how well I was able to keep up despite my current health challenges. For one hour I got to forget about the port in my chest as I powered through the Standing Vinyasa Flow.

 Nearing the end of the hour, I felt the urge to check my apple watch as I grabbed a few sips of water.

 11:11 was the time.

 I smiled and looked at my friend who said, “This just keeps going. How much time is left?”

I laughed and told her, “it’s 11:11. Almost done!”

The Meaning of Synchronicity

Synchronicities of seeing repeating numbers like 11:11 when we check the time remind us to stop and observe our thoughts because our thoughts have the power to shape our reality.

The thoughts we think and the words we say are powerful. They can build us up or destroy us. They can lead to us achieving incredible things or they can hold us back from reaching our true potential.

This reminded of me when I played volleyball and how our coaches always drilled into our heads never to focus on the score.

We had to always play like it was 0 to 0.

We always had to believe we had a chance to make a comeback no matter how many points we were down.

The same is true in our lives. No matter what challenge we our facing: illness, change or loss, let us remember to focus on the possibilities of what could go right instead of worrying about what could go wrong.


Synchronicity of Healing: Drawing Straight with Crooked Lines

Celebrating my remission on September 19, 2019. We later realized I was leaping in the air at exactly 1:11 pm local Chicago time when this photo was taken. Repeating numbers like 111 are often a sign of synchronicity, alluding to the deeper, spiritu…

Celebrating my remission on September 19, 2019. We later realized I was leaping in the air at exactly 1:11 pm local Chicago time when this photo was taken. Repeating numbers like 111 are often a sign of synchronicity, alluding to the deeper, spiritual meaning of your current events.

The heart of man plans his way, but the Lord establishes his steps.
— (Proverbs 16:9 ESV)

So many times, we find ourselves trying to make sense of the senseless.

Whether something was beyond our control or happened because of our own making—all of us have experienced those unexpected twists and difficult turn of events in our lives.

We find ourselves constantly reflecting on why something happened or worked out the way it did. 

We wonder how can we possibly carry on as we search for ways to collect the broken pieces of ourselves and put them back together?

How do we make something meaningful, something beautiful, out of so many crooked lines?

Maybe what once was a clear path forward, is now muddled with fear and confusion. Whether it was illness, loss or circumstance, a detour shoved us off the straight path and onto a crooked line.

These are the moments in our lives that bring us to our knees and force us to examine everything around us and the stories we tell ourselves.

My moment came when I was diagnosed with Stage 3 cancer.

While it’s true our world can change in an instant, we often get so caught up in events that we forget we have the power to rewrite the story we tell ourselves. 

We forget that our world can be an entirely different place than the world we lived in just a few moments ago, once our attitude toward it changes.

I didn’t realize it until recently, but the world I have been creating for myself through my thoughts and actions was full of fear, scarcity and survival. Unknowingly, I was living in this mental prison for most of my life until illness and cancer forced me to reexamine my reality. 

I have repeatedly told myself I was broken, unfixable, and at times even unlovable.

I lived in fear when I was told some of my afflictions were “permanent” and incurable.

I believed part of me was dysfunctional and would remain that way for the rest of my life.

However, I once discovered these stories I was taking as absolute truths weren’t MY truth—things started to change. I began to realize how these attitudes and beliefs grew from the seeds of the stories that were planted by society, my caregivers, teachers, coaches and the many connections I have made throughout my life.

Throughout my journey with cancer, I have found the more I try to unpack my personal narrative, the more I am able to understand the parts of my life that need to change so I can heal.

I soon started to discover how our thoughts and the words we use, and the relationship we have with those words have the potential to directly affect our experiences. It’s as if our thoughts go out into the universe and take root as either seeds or weeds. They sprout in straight or crooked lines depending on our choices and intentions— both positive and negative.

From this quantum perspective, we often overlook the incredible fact that it is the sum of our connections that brought us to this very moment. 

We forget that we are connected by our bodies, our DNA, the stories we tell ourselves, and the life experiences that have brought us to this point. And I’ve found the more we understand all these connections, the more we can start to shape them to serve our best interests and highest good.

One of the ways I am constantly reminded of this universal connection is through synchronicities.

The term synchronicity was first coined by the psychologist Carl Jung to describe a meaningful coincidence which seems to defy probability and “normal” explanations.

Jung believed synchronicities illuminate the mysterious connection between our personal psyches and the material world, based on the fact that everything exists as different forms of energy. Viewed in this way, synchronicity allows us to see the world with different eyes—one based on awe, curiosity and profound meaning.

When we learn to view things in this way, the world can speak to us in a completely new way. The rational, scientific facade of the world, although still present, comes alive with the vibrancy and presence of spirituality and divine connection. We can discover meaning in life and find those ‘golden threads’ that seem to weave through our lives revealing truths about ourselves and our individual journeys.


“Life is a symphony of synchronicities waking us up to the reality of who we really are.” Noah Lampert, Synchronicity Podcast


Maybe you’re reading this now because you recently had one of those life-changing moments or synchronicities yourself. A when something happens that makes you question the role of design in the universe and your own place within it.

Examples of synchronicities would be overhearing a random conversation between strangers that appears to answer your own inner questions; or how events seem to unfold in the perfect manner to lead to you to the right information at the right time from the right people that are necessary to progress on your healing journey.

Synchronicities can bring the perfect people to lead you to success, or bring you to situations where everything seems to falls into place to improve your life.

I believe synchronicities are divine guideposts urging us to continue on our current path by helping to remind us that everything is connected.

Our intuition seems to have a direct connection to God and the divine knowledge that steers the grand plan of the Universe. Through our intuition, we can be guided to stay on this divine path—one that is filled with incredible synchronicities along the way.

Since 2012, I have been experiencing numerous number synchronicities daily. Unknowingly catching the time 11:11, 1:11, 2:22, 4:44, 11:44, and seeing different repeating number patterns and meaningful names show up in the most unexpected places. Throughout my journey with cancer, these synchronicities only seemed to intensify as highlighted in my two-part series Faith, God and Synchronicity

Over this past year in remission, I have continued to experience multiple synchronicities on my journey to healing.

Such as being fortunate to be diagnosed exactly when I was so that I could participate in cutting-edge cancer treatment that is showing unprecedented results. I was floored to find out this past year that if I was diagnosed sooner or months later, I may have missed my spot since my clinical trial was only open to 40 patients.

Or how after weeks of anticipation leading up to my latest scan, it seemed I had butterflies following me everywhere I went. Especially meaningful to me was the butterfly I saw while waiting in traffic on the way to the hospital for one of my recent scans at Northwestern’s Lurie Cancer Center.

Captured this butterfly floating through traffic on my way for my latest scan at Northwestern in Chicago.

Captured this butterfly floating through traffic on my way for my latest scan at Northwestern in Chicago.

Connecting with Coincidence  

Later as we were coming home from my scan, my husband and I noticed a lady bug had been stuck to our windshield for nearly the entire trip. These two instances struck me as a key coincidences because a butterfly is known to symbolize transformation and a ladybug is believed to be an embodiment of good luck. I took these random events and their timing as positive signs that my scan would be clear and I was still well on my path to healing and complete remission.

On September 18th, I received confirmation that my latest scan was clear and I’m still in remission. However, one of the most profoundly meaningful events of my entire cancer journey occurred two days later on September 20th, 2019.

One of the stories I had been telling myself was my body is broken and it may never be the same.

I believed that my days of playing competitive sports were over. I thought I was not strong of fit enough to play at a competitive level anymore. In my youth, I played junior Olympic volleyball for over 5 years, and was fortunate to play volleyball my freshman year in college at Dominican University in River Forest, Illinois. However, a severe ankle injury ended my collegiate volleyball career my sophomore year, and in a way, reinforced the belief that my sports days were pretty much over for good. After that year, I transferred universities and never played collegiate volleyball again.

Fast forward to present day, where I am now a mother of three and a stage 3 cancer survivor with a chest port from treatment still in place.

I still felt that story to be true, but deep down I hoped and prayed for a different outcome.

One of the ways I longed to celebrate overcoming my cancer and this year of recovery, was to spike a volleyball in remission. What seemed like a lofty goal ended up happening thanks to a little divine timing and perseverance.

For the second time this year I was invited to play at an alumni game at Dominican University. The date was close to the date of my scan so I was not intending to play. However, after I received the news my scan was clear the next day the current coach from Domincan’s Woman’s Volleyball team reached out to me again to confirm if I could play. I took this divine timing as a synchronicity that this a step I needed to take on my path to healing.

As I walked into my college gymnasium, I did my best to smile so that I could hold back my tears. Only 8 months prior, my children watched as I had to be taken by ambulance from my home because I was so ill. But on this night, my husband and three children were able to see me healthy and active, fully reclaiming my health and vitality.  

Here is a video of me from that night during warm-ups where I was able to turn my vision of remission into reality and a treasured memory for my family: I got to spike out cancer for good and knock a huge item off my bucket list in remission:


To further confirm this synchronicity, three days after I played in the alumni game, Facebook reminded me 8 years ago that very day I had received my college degree from DePaul University, ending that chapter of my life.

Sometimes we have to look back to realize just how far we’ve come. To view my journey in pictures visit my gallery.

Sometimes we have to look back to realize just how far we’ve come. To view my journey in pictures visit my gallery.

I had to smile in awe with the realization everything had come full circle.

I was finally ready to finally release those limiting beliefs about myself I had been holding onto for so long. Thanks to hard work, determination and some divine timing, I was finally able to change the ending of that story and start to heal.   

 Healing comes in many forms. However, I believe one of the first steps to healing is to develop the self-awareness to understand the stories you tell yourself and the meaning behind your experiences, both positive and negative.

From the divine timing of my diagnosis to the medical professionals placed in my path who have helped me achieve remission, I believe God is always speaking to us, sending us little messages, causing coincidences and serendipities, reminding us to stop, look around and to believe in something else, something more.

We do not always see God’s will and the divine plan when we are walking through it.

At times the paths we are walking become so crooked and tangled, we lose our faith and sight of the bigger picture. We forget that often it is our setbacks that are preludes to God’s deeper work. While our difficult circumstances can cloud our perception of reality, I believe God always sees the whole canvas, and lets us know in meaningful ways that we are right where we need to be.

Whether my experience was pure coincidence, my unconscious sending me a message, or the Divine giving me guidance… it doesn’t really matter in the end. What matters is that I took notice. Finding meaning in the seemingly ordinary events of my life has brought unrivaled comfort, healing, and direction into my life.

I hope the same is true for you.

Stories We Tell Can Change Our life-HW.JPG

Sometimes we have to look back to realize just how far we’ve come.

To view my journey in pictures visit my gallery.

For my latest blog about how synchronicity is still playing a huge role in my healing journey check out my latest blog in my synchronicity series Faith, Synchronicity and Healing.

A big thanks to Neurologic Wellness Institute for being part of my healing journey and helping me celebrate remission by spiking out cancer!

For more on the topic of synchronicity:

Energizing Jung’s Ideas About Synchronicity- Psychology Today

Connecting with Coincidence with Dr. Bernie Beitman, MD - EP 13 - Guest: Roderick Main